If I were the devil, I'd convince the church that government is bad, and get them saying let's not feed the hungry or care for the sick, in Jesus name, amen. If I were the devil I would convince the church that greed is good and, despite what the bible says, it will ultimately be better for everyone if we convert "woe to you rich" to trickle-down economics. If I were the devil I would have preachers preaching that men should be allowed to rape the earth and poison their fellow men for love of filthy lucre, and standing idols of conservative politics in their very sanctuaries, until small government politics is literally preached as if it were the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Christians were doing horrible things like cutting food stamps and abandoning the working poor, and abandoning the exiles and sending the least of these packing back to where they came from.
And they'd be doing it motivated precisely by their strong desire to be good.
If I were the devil I would make up down and left right until Christians were the ones resisting the effort to expand healthcare access to workers and Christians are the ones who demand expanded military an contracted education and Christians were the ones who elect, as the most powerful person in the world, a man famous for not paying those he owns money, married 3 times; a serial philanderer and the first man to put a strip club in a casino. A self-confessed molester of women and attempted home-wrecker.
If I were the devil, I'd do it exactly like he's doing it, right now...
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