Remember the government takeover of the car
The government takeover of healthcare?
Death Panels?
Remember how Barack Obama was a Kenyan? A Muslim? A
terrorist? The Anti-Christ (literally, according to several at my former church)?
Remember how he was going to destroy America? Enact
Sharia Law? Take your guns? Make you pray to false gods?
Yeah. Good times…
Look. It's quite possible that Hillary Clinton
is such a brilliant criminal mastermind that she has successfully evaded prosecution
for over 30 years while killing more than 90 people. Stranger things have
It's quite possible that she just left people to
die in Benghazi because she's inhuman, hates people, and hates America, and that in
spite of being so smart as to do what I just mentioned, she is dumb enough to not
realize how much backlash there would be against such an action, or inaction,
or whatever.
It's quite possible that those e-mails that she
deleted contain something that matters and aren't just personal emails or others she deleted while being overly-cautious to prevent her political opponents from making hay in a witch-hunt that was
obviously designed to take her down politically, like the investigations of
Bill that eventually revealed that he was destroying America by being, in fact,
a middle-aged heterosexual male who let a 22 year old woman give him a hummer.
Hell. ANYTHING's possible.
But let's play the probabilities, shall we?
Which is more likely:
A) that Barack Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Terrorist
who decided he wanted to be President of the USA to take it down from the inside?
B) that
Hillary Clinton is a master criminal / murderer who's been rubbing the collective
noses of Republican bloggers and radio shock-jocks in it for decades?
C) that Republicans are really good at what they
do and like to throw sh*t against a wall until some of it sticks in an effort
to defeat their political rivals?
Let's play the probabilities, shall we?
Which is more likely:
A) that there really ARE death panels in the health care bill and we just
haven't noticed yet because we're too busy not noticing how they're invading
our houses to take our guns while they make us say Muslim prayers several times
a day
B) that
Hillary let Americans die because she's just that malevolent and evil
C) that Republicans are really good at what they
do and like to throw sh*t against a wall until some of it sticks in an effort
to defeat their political rivals?
Let's play the probabilities, shall we?
Which is more likely:
A) that the government takeover of the auto
industry proceeds apace, and we just haven't noticed because we're actually
dead because our death panel wouldn't approve our treatment for some horrible disease we caught from the chemicals the government is putting in the air to control our minds?
B) that Hillary's deleted emails contain some real
smoking gun about how she's actually the devil, the little horn, bringer of the
apocalypse, rather than personal information or political fodder that she didn't
want falling into the hands of the people who were able to crucify Bill for getting a BJ?
C) that Republicans are really good at what they
do and like to throw sh*t against a wall until some of it sticks in an effort
to defeat their political rivals?
Look, you wanna vote for Trump, great. Go for
it. I quit caring years ago for reasons that I'm not going to bother to explain
unless you care enough to ask.
But can we just stop with the histrionics? Can we seriously just calm the f* down? Can we stop hurling
pejoratives at people who think that the sins Hillary has probably committed
are probably less egregious than the sins The Donald has certainly committed,
and are certainly less egregious than the ones The Donald has probably
You wanna disagree, great! Disagree.
Let's stop with the name-calling, though. Fair enough?
Glad we had this talk. Hope we're
still friends.
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