An odd occurrence when trying to create a pluggable database in a newly created container database.
This is Oracle 19c on Windows, but it will likely apply to other platforms as well.
I am able to connect to the database using SQLPlus.exe.
However, when I try to run DBCA from command line, I get the errors shown below.
PS D:\backup> dbca.bat -silent -createPluggableDatabase -pdbName PSEUDONIMOUSPDBNAME -sourceDB PSEUDONIMOUSCDBNAME -createPDBFrom DEFAULT -createUserTableSpace true -pdbAdminPassword PSEUDONIMOUSPASSWORD -sysPassword PSEUDONIMOUSPASSWORD
[FATAL] [DBT-05509] Failed to connect to the specified database (PSEUDONIMOUSCDBNAME).
CAUSE: OS Authentication might be disabled for this database (PSEUDONIMOUSCDBNAME).
ACTION: Specify a valid sysdba user name and password to connect to the database.
I had forgotten to add my username to the ORA_DBA and ORA_OraDB19Home1_DBA groups.
After doing so, it worked without issue...
PS D:\backup> dbca.bat -silent -createPluggableDatabase -pdbName PSEUDONIMOUSPDBNAME -sourceDB PSEUDONIMOUSCDBNAME -createPDBFrom DEFAULT -createUserTableSpace true -pdbAdminPassword PSEUDONIMOUSPASSWORD -sysPassword PSEUDONIMOUSPASSWORD
Prepare for db operation
13% complete
Creating Pluggable Database
15% complete
19% complete
23% complete